Tag Archives: discomfort

Look Out! Ten Signs You Might Have Yeast Infection

A yeast infection, also called candidiasis in scientific circles, is best known for causing a white or whitish discharge as well as putting great discomfort on sufferers. If left undiagnosed, this may bring in serious diseases which not only heighten the weakness of a person’s immune system, but may even be life-threatening in the long run. Keep on the lookout for these ten signs you might have yeast infection. First, there are five general symptoms which will almost always come together no matter which kind of candidiasis […]

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A Guide On How To Confirm A Yeast Infection

The best way how to confirm a yeast infection is either you make an appointment with your doctor to perform a diagnosis or taking an over the counter test. Your doctor will perform a physical assessment and take a sample of your vaginal discharge. An over the counter test, on the other hand, works much like a home pregnancy kit test where the pH balance in your system is tested to confirm the presence of a yeast infection. It is always a good idea to confirm that […]

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